Monday, January 19, 2009

We are pregnant!

For most people reading this blog, they already now this information, but since it is the first entry I thought I would announce it. Here is a picture to prove it:

Here is the story::: I was a week late on starting the monthly cycle, which was supposed to happen around Christmas eve, but I thought it was the stress of the holidays plus eating so much that I was late. Well when we came home from the holidays I took a pregnancy test. It said negative, but the control line never showed up. Well, I took that as it was negative...SO a week later, New Year's eve, I decided I need to take another test. So I did, and it was positive the second my pee hit the stick! So I freaked out and was yelling at GT, who was playing Playstation. He was just like whoa then went back to his video game. I, of course, called my mom and freaked out. We thought it would take us a longggggg time to get pregnant-and to our surprise it did not. So then three pregnancy test later, we knew it was for real. We went to the doctor's office and did blood work on Jan 2. The nurse called me on Jan 5 and confirmed. We set the first doc's appt for February the 9th! 

I thought today I was 7 weeks, but turns out I was counting my weeks wrong, and I am really 8 weeks today!!! I am so excited to be a week ahead then what I thought, cause that means hopefully on 4 more weeks of being nauseous. 

I found this picture online of what size our baby is this week:

So thats all for the first post! We are super excited. From our calculations we think the due date will be August 31, 2009!!!!!