Monday, October 5, 2009

Audrie's 2 Month Doctors Visit

Today was Audrie's 2 month appointment. She weighed 12 lbs 3 oz (87 percentile), she was 23 inches long (74 percentile) and head circumference was 15 inches (59 percentile). We knew she was a little on the chunky side! 

She screamed during her shots of course (me and GT laughed)--how bad parents are we!!! I dont know why it was funny--we think it is because we never heard her make noises like that. Anyway, I am giving her tylenol every 4 hours so she has slept most of today. ( I am not complaining!) She seems to be ok and even smiled at me a few times today.

Also, we told the doctor how sometimes when she eats she cries and after she eats. He thinks she has heartburn--so we are giving her mylanta to see if that solves the problem. If it does, we will get prescription zantac for her. I cant tell so far if its working since Audrie is fussy from the shots- we will see. I am sad we didnt know this sooner, poor little girl was suffering. But I am glad we know now and can hopefully fix it! 

Here is another one of Audries things that we LOVE and would NOT want to be with out:

It is a dr. browns formula mixer. It is wonderful for those who use formula. I make 32 oz every night, so when its time to make a bottle just fill it up and warm it. We switched to powder about 2 weeks ago for money and convenience...but it was so annoying to have to measure every scoop and shake up each bottle. This way its done once a day. And it gets all the clumps out plus reduces bubbles (bonus!)....AND it doesnt cause any foam. 

We got it off  They sale it on but its cheaper at (they dont sell it in the store)

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