This weeks Top 2 2 Random Facts About Me:
1. I have a gold tooth. When I was in 4th grade, I had a root canal. They put a silver cap on it and it kept coming off. So one time, after eating a now-n-later, we go to the dentist and he says he is going to put a gold tooth on. I told my mom...she was like...NO! You cant have a good tooth, the dentist laughed and said he was joking. Well, once the work was done and I was in the car...I looked in the mirror, sure! But its in the you cant really see it...I like it. It makes me feel gangsta.
2. This is kind of two things..but it is 2 things I like to eat that seems odd to some people. Sloppy joe meat and cheetos (puffy ones), I dip the cheeto in the meat...Mashed potatoes with Catalina Dressing mixed in. I really liked it when I was preggo. Yum. GT said it looked like throw-up. :)
I always dip random things!! You're not alone, girl!!
youre daughter is adorable!
they say you crave some crazy things when your pregnant - and I would say that these are some of the most bizarre cravings I have ever heard of!
hahha I love that you have a little gangsta going on in your mouth! and Ive got to say that food sounds very nasty but a lot of things I eat people think are nasty too haha!
I love the new look! Where are you finding the time to do all this blogging? Could you come catch up on my blog for me? :) Maybe see ya'll soon? Happy Tuesday!
These are both hilarious! I love to eat chocolate and drink orange juice!
Hahah this cracked me up - "I like it. It makes me feel gangsta."
glad to know i'm not alone w/the dipping of food in other foods thing going on...
gangsta's got a new follower! ha ha
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