Monday, May 24, 2010

I feel LOST-My Opinions

LOST. I have to blog my opinions and thoughts before I go crazy.

What I took from the finale last night was that the flash sideways was the "purgatory" and Jack's dad was leading them to heaven...However, from everything I am hearing on tv/facebook it is saying that they were dead the whole time? The whole show?

I thought when Jack's dad says everyone dies at sometime, it meant everyone died eventually and once they were all dead they "moved on". I dont know! Ugh!

Anyway, I did like how it ended. I dont know how it could have ended better really. When GT and I got in bed, we discussed it further. He said, "I wish everything didnt have to have such a religious ending." My response was it had nothing to do with religion but reality. Every story is good vs. evil. There is always a good guy and a bad guy. The origin of this is God and the devil. It is the root of all stories.

For me, LOST was about a group of flawed people who learned to love, forgive and ultimately experienced redemption. I think it is the best show ever created and I am sad it is over. I feel like it has been through alot with me. During my years watching lost, graduated college, I got married, moved to a different state, had a baby. Whew.

I am not too concerned with the unanswered questions. I like it. Thats what LOST is. A mystery. It leaves alot to the imagination which I think makes a good show.

I am not really sure its the end end. Maybe I am still in denial. GT thinks they might make a  movie, or mini series. He doesnt think it is over either. They could still do alot with it. They can continue the story line of what happened when Lipidus, Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Claire and Richard got of the island. What happened with Desmond, Hurley and Ben on the island. Rose, Bernard and Vincent?  And maybe the writers left it open for us on purpose. For us to imagine. Or for something in the future.

So, share with me your thoughts, opinions, theories???

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