Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lies from a Hospital

I have learned from my first birth experience not to talk to much about natural child birth. Alot of times it feels pointless. Sometimes like you are speaking a different language most people do not understand. This pregnancy, being a total different experience, we are going to do natural. We have a great doctor who is backing us up 100%, the only set back will be the hospital staff. I have been praying for our birth experience and the nurses we will have. I do not have an "I know it all attitude" because I certainly do not know it all.

What I do know is:

My pregnancy has been perfectly normal up to this point. Ki has been fine and I have been fine.
I do not need an I.V. for any reason known right now. My doc agrees with me and says I can have a saline lock where I can still be mobile and not hooked up to an IV pole.
I do not need internal heart monitoring.
I do not need a catheter.
I do not need any drugs...pitocin, cytotec, epidural, spinal tap, etc...
I do not need to be stuck in a bed.

I get these weekly emails from my hosptial, similar to the ones from baby center. Just an update on the baby and myself. You know the typical, average, whats going on in the development. Well, today, for my 38 week email, it says this:

News about epidurals
It has been thought in the past that epidurals given during labor may slow a fetus's heart rate. A recent study of nearly 500 women showed, however, that epidural analgesia does not have a negative effect on the baby's heart rate. The pain-relief medications commonly in use today do not cross the placenta.

I did have an epidural with Audrie. I really didnt have a decision in this, but if I did, I wouldnt say that I regretted it. I know my situation was different and had medical concern. Do I wonder all the time if all the drugs I was given during labor caused her not to latch on, therefore making breastfeeding almost impossible? Yes, I wonder this everyday. Do I wonder if she gets sick most then the average child because I couldnt breastfeed? Yes, I do. I know it is pointless, because nothing can be changed at this point, it is what is, but I cant help but wonder.

It is RIDICULOUS for anyone especially a hospital to say that pain-relief medicine does not cross the placenta. THAT IS A FLAT OUT LIE! It really has my blood boiling. This is the reason our c-section rate is SO high. The fear and lies that big hospital corporations and pharmaceutical companies tell women.

I am cautious to write this blog because I know all the controversy this topic causes. I know c-sections save lives. I agree. I know medicine saves lives. I agree. I know technology saves life. I agree. I want women to be educated. I want women to know they have a choice. I want women to not have fear of a natural process of life. And to realize this fear is mostly coming from people who just want our money. They could care less about us as people, women and mothers. They want our money and to do as little work as possible to get it.

Two documentaries I would highly recommend are "Pregnant in America" and "Business of Being Born". Both on netflix.


Sommer said...

since i have MS, i'll have to get back on my meds as soon as baby everett is born (whenever that may be) which means i won't get to breastfeed. totally bummed about missing out on the bonding with my baby and hope it doesn't have any negative physical repercussions.

Brittany Napper said...

I could not agree more. I absolutely hated being hooked up to an i.v. There was no reason for it, since it was a "just in case" measure. I hated having all of that extra fluid before delivery. Other than that I had the best birth experience. Hoping the same for you this time around!

lindsey said...

Don't be afraid to speak your opinion! I actually just typed my really long labor story with Anniston here and just erased it because it was too aweful! ha Pushing 3 hours with an epidural that I didn't exactly want but didn't so much work anyway (while being pumped full of pitocin for an induction that I didn't exactly want but "had" to do) was not my idea of how her delivery would be! Hope I didn't just say too much...sorry. Anyway, I so wish I had that beautiful story (that I am sure you will have this time!), but I am even more grateful to have a healthy baby! I support you all the way and believe that you will have a wonderful labor/delivery with that beautiful, healthy baby at the end! Enjoy!! Prayers for you guys!