Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Developments!

I have just realized I havent done a post on Audrie developmental updates in a while...so here goes...

  • On December 23, Audrie learned how to roll over from her back to belly. She did it like 30 times in a row. Everytime we would put her on her back she would just roll over. Now, she is rolling over more from her belly to back for some reason. 
  • Yesterday (12/29), I started introducing Audrie to a sippy cup. I have to put her hands on the handles for her to grasp it then she sometimes gets it in her mouth. I am hoping by 6 months she will be good at it, so we have a whole month to work on it!
  • Since my last baby food making posts, I have introduced sweet potatoes and avocado. She really likes the sweet potatoes. She isnt too sure about the avocado, but she eats it anyway. 
  • Audrie is smiling sooooo much. She can find me by my voice in any room even if it is full of other people. She will just start smiling if she hears me talk.
  • I think she recognizes her name. I cant decide if she looks at me because I am talking to her or if it is because i am saying her name.
  • She is pooing ALOT. Prior to baby food, she pooed once every other day. Not so much anymore. More like 4 times a day. BUT it doesnt stink as bad, and GT has started changing poopie diapers. 
  • Not teeth yet. She shows all the signs of teething, but she has for a few weeks now.
  • Audrie has spent 2 Sundays in the nursery at church!
  • I am going to start putting Audrie in Mother's Day Out on January 6. I am a little nervous. But I really need the break. And I am just doing once a week and its just from 9-2:30. I know Audrie will do fine, not too sure about me! 
I think that is it for now! Audrie is soooooo much fun! BUT boy, am I tired! 

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