Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pregnancy #2

I am so excited to finally announce that we are having a baby!!!!!! Again!!!!!! I promise to be better about blogging, and even hope to blog weekly about the pregnancy. I wish I would have been more detailed about my pregnancy with Audrie, so I could go back and read what I here is hoping I will blog more during this one!

When we found out--I was supposed to start on September 15...and on September 13, I couldnt wait and took an early detection pregnancy test. It was a very faint I went a bought one that said "pregnant" and took it the next day...and it confirmed that I am pregnant!

How I told GT-- I had the test behind my back when he came home. Told him to close his eyes and put out his hands. When he opened his eyes, he said, "What does that mean?"...Haha. I wanted to do something creative, but I just cant keep in a secret!

How I have been feeling-- so far, so good! I am not near as nauseous as I was with Audrie. Every now and then I will feel some nausea but its nothing compared to my first pregnancy. I would say fatigue is the most noticeable difference. I feel exhausted alot of the time and have no desire to clean my house!

Due Date-- May 28, 2011

Boy or Girl??-- We hope we can find out right before Christmas. I feel like its a boy. I am not sure why. Maybe because this pregnancy is different...maybe I just have that feeling. I want it to be a girl for various reasons, but I would be good either way of course!

First Doctor's Visit- Today, October 21, 2010! I am 8 weeks 5 days. We switched doctors this time. With Audrie we used Dr. Martin.  This time I wanted a man and someone who does more natural childbirths, so we switched to Dr. Doerrfeld. I am glad we switched, I really like him and so does GT :)

What we did this visit- met with the nurse, answered a bunch of questions. Met the doctor. He did a sonogram. Told me I had a tipped or titled uterus, so it was kind of hard to see the baby. We did see him/her and the little heart beating. He wants me to come back in 2 weeks to do another sono, even though everything was ok. Then we got a bagillion magazines and prenatal vitamins!


SkinnyMeg said...

Yay!! how exciting!!

Kristen T said...

Congratulations! That is great! Hope you continue to feel well!