Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Book Review 1.

My husband and I got into a discussion last night about reading books that further our growth spiritually. I love to read first of all. Fiction or non-fiction, I enjoy reading when I have the time. My dad is always reading 3 or 4 books at a time. He is always giving me books and telling me what he has learned.

Our discussion was why I thought it was important and what it does for me. The ultimate authority in books is of course the Bible. God gives people wisdom and experiences that they write about whichin turn teaches me. I know not everything I read is truth because it isnt the Bible. That is where the Holy Spirit and its discernment comes in. I dont always think every sermon I hear is complete truth. And of course, I think it has to be paired with reading your Bible. And should never replace Bible reading.

For me, if I am not reading then I am not spiritually growing.

Anyway, so with that-- I dont know about everyone out there, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed with what to read and I love hearing from others what they learned and if it is worth my time. So I thought I would expound a little on my previous post about books I have (and are reading) and share some good things I have learned and if I would recommend it.

The first book I will start out with is "Dont Make Me Count to Three" by Ginger Plowman.

This book could not have come to me at  a better time. Like I said in my last post, I was drowning and couldnt get ahold of things when it came to discipling Audrie. This book helped me learn (and I am still learning) big time, how to probe Audrie's heart when she needs correcting. It goes into major detail about the reproof part of discipline and little about rod part. The rod is still in there of course and we do spank in our home. And it has made all the difference. Along with correct reproofing methods.

Confession: I was counting to three prior to reading this book. It taught me that Audrie and Ki eventually should obey on the first command. We dont follow this strictly, but I do expect it. And at first I thought it was impossible, but we are making way. Now, Audrie listens the first time occasionally, which used to be never!

It taught me how to use appropriate scripture when disciplining Audrie. And something my parents did that this book teaches as well is how to show your children to pray and ask for forgiveness for sins just like we do. I used to hate that my parents did this. When I was older, I used to make fun of it and thought it was so weird. But now it makes perfect sense. We are a romodel to our children and they are watching our every move even when it comes to our relationship with Christ.

It taught me to be consistent. Before reading this book, a big part of our problem was that I was lacking consistency. There are times I have to get back on track and I ask for Audries forgiveness for not disciplining her like I should and we continue where we left off. On that note, it taught me to show Audrie and Ki my humaness. I apologize to them, sometimes daily, for the sins I commit and when I do not do things that are in line with God's word.

I would recommend this book strongly. I think this is a book I will read yearly and I will learn much from each time.

There are a few things I dont do from the book and things that I think you fit into your family. We do spank but we do not spank at every act of disobedience. And as Audrie is getting older we have started using a few other types of discipline. Like taking away Diego time, etc...

**I usually only refer to Audrie because she is 2 1/2 and the only little person we discipline in this home. We have started with Ki a little, but not really and not enough to talk about.**

This is my wish list of books I want to read. Let me know if you have any for me to add!


lindsey said...

Thank you for sharing all of this! Will definitely have to read this one! I say all the time that it is humbling being a parent. I catch myself so much worrying about how I look instead of looking to the Lord and trying to guide Anniston in His love. So much to learn!

I, too, have "Shepherding a Child's Heart" and like what I have read. "Give them Grace" has been sitting on my night stand like I saw Kristen said...makes me want to read it more now hearing of other people reading it...just saw great reviews and bought it on a whim. "Child Training Tips" is one that I have skimmed and like most of it. I do think the "grace" part could be a little lacking, though, in this one...it's been a while since I have read it though. I totally agree with you that you have to be guarded and ask the Holy Spirit for discernment, because if it is not the Bible, there can definitely be flaws! Thanks again for sharing!

Kristen T said...

I think you are on to something! We should start a book club or something! ha. I have also heard good recs for this book. I just wish I had time (made more time) to read. I look forward to hearing/reading more about what you find useful and helpful. I checked out your reading list....heard of many of those. I've read Bringing up Boys and thought it was pretty good. Also heard a radio show on Focus on the Family for parenting a strong willed child and would really like to read up that. It had some good info. Thanks for your book review!

Carey said...

Thanks for the review! I'll have to add this one to my wish list! I think if we are parenting (especially a toddler) we can all use some tips & encouragement in the disclipling arena! And I agree children don't learn to pray or ask for forgiveness or even witness if we don't model it for them!

I'm doing a daily devotional by Jen Hatmaker called Out of the Spin Cycle! I LOVE it!!! and it was on sale for 4 bucks on Amazon the other day! Definitely add it to your list!