Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Doctor's Appt No. 2

Today was my 2nd doctors appointment. I am 11 weeks and 3 days. GT couldnt come due to work, so I was by myself. Which makes me sad, but I know GT is making a sacrifice for us...because he really wants to be there too!

Basically, we just listened to the baby's heart beat...I keep say Ki's heartbeat, because I think its a boy and because I want to name him Hezekiah :)  but GT corrects me!

Then we went over my blood sugar levels, which have been good. And I have lost 2 pounds! :)  Not because im not eating, I guess the baby likes to eat too :)

I feel like I am already showing, but I am not sure if its just fat. I mean, I have lost 2 pounds, so I shouldnt look fat, right? Well, I say its "showing", sounds alot better than just a fat belly.

Next appt is Dec 7, then hopefully we will find out the sex before Christmas!!!!

1 comment:

Brittany Napper said...

Congratulations Lydia! I pray you have a smooth and easy pregnancy!