Sunday, August 1, 2010

Turning ONE!

So, I could write a "1 year old" post about all the fun stuff Audrie is doing these days. Like saying "uh-oh" and high-fiving, which is super cute. But I decided to do a different kind of post for her 1 year. And it will begin with a story...

When Audrie was 4 days old, my mom was staying with us. My mom insisted on taking care of Audrie during the night, so we could get some rest. Well, I had a really hard time with this, but by night 4...I was exhausted. So, we gave my mom the video monitor. The morning of day 5, my mom told us that something woke her up during the night and she looked at the monitor. At first she thought she saw a flashlight shining on Audrie and that someone was trying to steal her; but as she looked closer, she said it was a light that hovered over Audrie for a few minutes and my mom knew it was an angel.

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your way. Rev. 91:11

Whew, that gives me goosebumps. 

I wanted to share what GT and I have prayed for concerning Audrie this past year and will continue to pray for.

We pray that Audrie first and foremost will come to know Him as her Savior.
We pray that she will know the depths of Christ love for her.
We pray that she will do BIG things for Him.
We pray that she will love others without condition.
We pray that she will be a leader and not a follower.
We pray that she will know the Truth for herself and not just what others tell her to believe.
We pray that she will make wise decisions even when the un-wise ones look more inciting.
We pray for her future spouse if God's will is for her to be married. We pray the same things above for him as well.
We pray for her to have a deep faith and vast understanding of His word. 

The list of what we pray for ourselves as parents is like 100 times longer...but our main prayer is that God will rise above our parenting abilities because we know how broken and sinful we are as parents. We know on our own we could never parent Audrie in a way that is even close to how He parents us. 

I dont say all this to seem super spiritual. I say this because we feel the only reason we are parents is to show her Christ and to teach our children (Audrie and the future ones) the love of God. Sometimes we get caught up in the milestones and excitement of new life...which is very exciting...but GT and I have to remind ourselves often that the point of family and community is HIM and He should receive all the glory. He is the reason we have Audrie. He is the reason for our existence and our job is to glorify Him with it!

I just got really excited! 

All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen. Jude 1:25


lindsey said...

I love this...what special prayers! Happy Birthday sweet Audrie!!

Carey said...

Thanks for sharing! I really needed to read that! Happy birthday to your precious girl!