Friday, February 19, 2010

New teeth, new food and a sweet smile!

Here are some new developments with Audrie Kate:

  • Wednesday she was chewing on my fingers which she does often...and I felt something sharp! Yepp its a tooth coming in. Teething wasnt too bad until yesterday, but after a little tylenol and motrin all is back to normal :)  Here is my best attempt at taking a picture of the tooth its still right at the gums so it is hard to see!
  • Audrie was born with really dark brown hair well it has started falling out a little and the hair growing in is blonde! How strange! I kind of thought it might since her eyebrows never turned brown they stayed blonde since birth.
  • Lynzie and I pureed some chicken on Tuesday. Audrie had it Tuesday night, so far she loves it! I was a little nervous because it seems to make her older! She can eat meat! 
  • She still isnt fully crawling yet. Sometimes she will take a few strides to get to a toy or to me, but usually she just rocks in a crawling position then lunges forward, it is pretty entertaining. I need to baby proof the house first, so I am glad she isnt fully crawling yet!
  • She also isnt sitting up by herself yet either. I think she is just lazy on this one. She can do it if she wants to or if she has a toy she likes in her lap. But as soon as I turn around she is in crawling position again. I think she prefers to be on all fours! That crazy girl! She does sit up pretty good for awhile if she has the boppy around her. ( I have a feeling she is like her dad-very cautious and does not take too many risk)

  • She has the sweetest smile. It makes my heart melt. 
  • I feel like I love her more and more everyday. I am so glad I stay home with her. Sometimes, I get frustrated and want to go back to work, but for the most part it is so much fun! 


lindsey said...

She's precious! I love that sweet smile! Anniston still doesn't have ONE tooth! ha

Anonymous said...

i read where you said audrie's hair is turning blonde. BOTH of my brother in law's daughters were born with a head full of dark brown hair. They even named their first daughter RAVEN. now, both Raven and Piper are as blonde as can be. you wouldn't even believe they are the same kids from their baby pictures. too funny.